On the road, again…

Starting tomorrow, 9/11 of all days, I’ll be on the road and hoping to see lots old and new friends.

tour bus

Tomorrow I am speaking at the JFAM:Live! Fall 2008 Symposium at the Bloomberg Building in NYC. JFAM is a catchy acronym for the Journal of Financial Advertising and Marketing, run by Bill and Samantha Wreaks. At 2:00 PM I hit the stage to discuss the role of internet marketing in financial services “The Trust Factor – What Does Your Web Site Say About You?”. I gave the keynote at this event two years ago and JFAM does a nice job bringing together some of the top minds in financial services marketing to share and learn from each other.

Next week its off to the iMedia Connection Brand Summit in San Diego. If you have never been to an iMedia summit before, you should really see if you can get yourself invited. Pretty much all the top brand advertisers and the key media partners are there and it’s a phenomenal networking environment. I think I have seen more deals get done there than just about any other conference.

And then it’s off to Vegas, baby! I’m speaking at the Online Lead Quality Summit at the Mandalay Bay Hotel on Wednesday , September 17. In what I think will be a very timely talk, my presentation called “Mortgage Implosion: Marketing Maneuvers to Make Now!” focuses on how to build a portfolio of long term and short term direct response lead generation tactics to generate quality leads and maintain order among the sales organization during tough times like the financial sector is experiencing now.  While the talk is directed at mortgage companies, the same basic principles apply across many industries.

That’s it for now…if you’re at any of these events please swing by and say hello. We’ll do lunch.

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