Archive for the ‘Personal Productivity’ Category

Are You Talking To Yourself?

Sunday, February 13th, 2011

Self-talk, the conversations you have with yourself in your mind, is one of the primary ways you direct your focus. Are you talking nicely to yourself?

Deciding If My BlackBerry Storm Touch Phone Is Worth The Trouble

Friday, March 27th, 2009

I am now on my third Blackberry Storm touch screen phone.   Generally with technology products like this I like to be an early adopter of version 2.0.   I am not geeky enough to really want to be the early adopter guy who gladly puts up with buggy software, user interface issues, and other […]

Should I Keep My BlackBerry Storm?

Wednesday, January 28th, 2009

Last month, I bought a BlackBerry Storm touchscreen phone.  As I get to the end of my 30 day return grace period (minus a $35 restocking fee….), I am trying to figure out if I want to keep it.  In essence, I am making a commitment to have this thing as my constant companion for […]

Google This: Free 411 Calls with 800-GOOG-411

Friday, November 28th, 2008

You don’t need a computer, internet connection or even a keypad on your phone to get Google search results anywhere, anytime. Google offers two ways to access their search results with a simple telephone. 1-800-GOOG-411 is a voice activated system offering directory assistance Google Search results from any phone (mobile or land line, it doesn’t […]

How To Get Through Airport Security

Monday, September 22nd, 2008

I think I have found the most efficient way to go through the airport security line. The fact that I have perfected this little dance says something about how much travel I have done in the past year, but that’s another story. So here is my solution to getting through the line – in this […]